This is just the beginning

Truly Heal Wellness was formed to introduce a new approach to healing. Our original focus was to provide therapeutic Massage, Bodywork, Personal Training, as well as Corrective Exercise and ancillary modalities to bring more meaning to whole mind-body wellness!

We have since grown to also incorporate additional holistic healing modalities to address nervous system regulation, mental & emotional health, nutrition, trauma release, and somatic breathwork to help those we're serving to more fully live their lives, navigate stress more effectively, learn tools for self regulation, show up more fully in their families, relationships, and careers, and overall live more joyful, meaningful, purposeful lives.

When these modalities are combined, they provide a comprehensive and proactive approach to health and overall wellbeing. They work to prevent age-related issues, enhance overall performance, and promote the body's innate ability to heal itself.

"It's like forming your very own Avenger's team, but instead of fighting aliens, they're battling aging and lifestyle diseases."

We integrate all these services with all our clients, but do so on an individual basis after evaluating each person to come up with a plan that best suits their needs. Whether it is a program or a stand alone treatment, we look to enhance your overall physical, mental, emotional health, relieve musculoskeletal pain, restore function and be proactive in preventing potential downstream issues.

Check out the "What to expect" tab to learn more about care plans and navigating what exactly is best for you.


What exactly does it mean to Truly Heal?

corrective exercise

Our massage therapist and bodyworker Conrad will tell you that the beauty of massage and bodywork as a form of therapy is in its ability to affect much more than just physical anatomy; it also provides positive benefits to our emotional and mental states as well. How does massage heal, empower, sharpen and strengthen the mind and body; what ARE the primary reasons people seek out massage therapists on a regular basis?

Beyond pain relief, relief of muscular tension, and addressing muscular imbalances, massage and bodywork have the ability to activate the body’s parasympathetic nerves allowing the entire body relax and enter deeper, more healing and restorative states. You'll find emotional relief in tandem to physical relief. This benefit can also be achieved through meditation, yoga, tai chi, even stretching or deep abdominal breathing. The kneading motions of massage bring physical relief and the combined effect often has the power to soothe the mind by calming the nerves and quieting negative thoughts.

You’ve probably already heard about and likely experienced the healing benefits of massage therapy services. In fact, there’s a huge body of medical research that supports the use of massage therapy for a healthy mind and body. In addition to the “healing” aspect, people often forget about the myriad of ways bodywork therapy can enhance performance for athletes and others who need to stay in top shape to do their jobs. 

Ask Tom, our holistic health practitioner, and he'll tell you it's a reclamation and remembering of our innate wholeness; of who we truly are beyond our stories, beliefs and experiences. It's a release and emptying of all the wounds, pain, and trauma embedded in our bodies and psyche.

There is zero doubt that the process is uncomfortable. It requires courage to enter those parts of ourselves we feel are darkest and most painful. It takes tremendous resilience and love for self to be willing to release suppressed and repressed emotions, which, if left alone, will drive high levels of inflammation and require a great deal of resources from the body to remain trapped inside; resources and energy that the body then no longer can utilize to generate healthy new cells, heal, and recover.

It takes work and a commitment to yourself, your healing, and your growth. Yet on the other side is total liberation, joy, peace, and true physical, mental, emotional wellbeing.

Added to that, developing a flexible and resilient nervous system and greater self awareness, regulating stress, and developing greater emotional intelligence while caring for the physical body, and true health is yours.


The human body is an amazing work of art! It is an intricate network of cells, tissues and organs that have the unbelievable ability to, under the proper circumstances, repair and correct. Given the right balance between diet, exercise, emotional stability and regulated stress, the body can maintain an environment conducive to healing. It’s when our bodies get out of balance that these physiological processes break down and cause problems. 


As Conrad and Tom will both tell you, our task is to help you CREATE and MAINTAIN that environment both internally - physically, nutritionally, mentally and emotionally - and externally, in your life, career, social relationships, and overall lifestyle.


We also offer personal training services - click here to visit that Website.